TWP 100 Series Deck Stain – The Best Deck Stain
Need Help or Advice when using TWP 100 Stain?
TWP 100 Series Total Wood Protectant (TWP) Wood Deck Stain protects and prolongs all exterior woods, decks, and fences. TWP Wood Deck Stains and Sealers is a distinctive mixture of chemicals blended together to form a professional strength formula that preserves exterior wood surfaces in numerous ways.
TWP 100 Series Stain will perform at its maximum potential when the wood is properly prepped and when the stain is properly applied. Unfortunately not all wood is in the same condition prior to applying the stain.
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Do you have any questions about using the TWP 100 Wood and Deck Stain?
Please answer these few questions to achieve the best possible results with your TWP 100 Wood and Decking Stain.
Age of wood?
- Type of wood?
- Condition of the wood?
- Has it been stained previously and if so with what brand of stain?
- Small description of the area to be treated.
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We are about 1/2 through with staining our new deck. We treated it prior to staining with your cleaner and brightener. We chose Rustic (second choice was Pecan) but it is way too red for my taste. It almost looks like the Redwood sample we painted. My husband says we just have to wait for it to fade in a few years and redo at that time. I currently hate it. Short of stripping the new finish, do you have any suggestions for toning down the red? To me it looks almost orange especially when the sun shines on it. Our deck is cedar.
Chris, I would get 8-9 gallons for the 2 coats wet on wet. You should remove the Olympic first though with a stain stripper and wood brightener so the TWP can properly penetrate. Typically lasts about 2 years.
wood is 12 yrs. old, Cedar,very good condition, Olympic oil based stain, 850sq ft plus spindles & railing. How much do I need and how long under average conditions in Iowa will it last
Pat, clear offers no uv protection from graying. There must be a tint for that. Please read this about new decking:
Sir/Ms; I am using Ponderosa Pine boards as decking for a roofed porch; north facing side of house. I want a clear finish so natural wood shows. Does TWP 100 do that? If so, how do I order it online and what is price for one gallon? Thx, pat
Brad, strip and brighten with the Restore A Deck products then stain with the 100 Series.
3 year old. Red Cedar. In very good condition. Stained three times. Once with Pennofin. Twice with True Values Woodsman. East side of house in Southwest Minnesota. Partial shade
Carole, I would use the 100 Series for this.
Geo, No the 100 is not legal for MD.
Would the 1500 series stain colors be richer looking than 100 series for my deck in Minnesota?
I have a 40 year old redwood top railings with 8 month old cedar side railings on a no maintenance horizontal deck base. Should I use the TWP 100 series wet on wet process on the wood after a cleaning and brightening process?
Can you ship the 100 stain to Maryland?
1. you can clean and brighten right away
2. The second coat needs to be applied wet on wet. You cannot wait a week.
Hello – I have to sand my deck this spring as after cleaning some snow off it this winter there are some shovel marks. I have put cabot stain on it before and have not like it and am planning on using the 100 series. Some questions:
1. After I sand it do I need to let the wood sit or can I put the cleaner and then brightener on it right away.
2. When staining, can I put a first coat on and then in a week put a second coat on? Can I put another coat on it in the fall before winter hits.
I live in Minneapolis MN.
Cathy, Please read this article:
TWP 100 and 1500 is not legal for Canada.
I have a new cedar deck and fence – about 1 month old. Can I apply TWP 100 Transparent stain now? Do you ship to Toronto, Canada and if yes, are there duties. What would the shipping costs be for approx. 5 gallons? If you don’t ship to Canada, can I buy this product in Canada?
Thank you
melanie, the TWP 100 Series would be the correct choice for this. For the prep, you need to make sure that all of the old stain has been removed. In addition you should clean and brighten the wood to remove graying and dirt.
Ken, probably mineral deposits from the water. I should wipe off if lying on top of the stain.
I have a log house in Telluride, CO, approx. 10,000 ft above sea level. All lodge pole pine (logs and decks) 27 years old. Wood in good condition. Have been 5 years (more?) since it was last stained, using Sikkens (suggested by company doing the work) appears that there is basically no stain left. Extreme weather conditions ~ below zero in winter, snow. Main deck is south facing, harsh sun all year round, very dry climate, mold not an issue.
Would TWP 100 be an ideal product for this use (logs and decks), what treatment is suggested prior to using?
One year old redwood deck. had been treated with Thompsons. I powerwashed twice, cleaned and used brightener before rinsing again. Let dry for several days and then put two coats of TWP 100 on. It looks blotchy in spots and has grey water spots in areas as well after it rains or pool water gets on it. Advice?
You cannot add TWP or any other brand of stain on top of the Olympic. It will not work.
My deck is pressure treated pine and is 8 yrs with an add-on. Sanded and stained last year with Olympic but water is still soaking into boards. It’s a big deck so I REALLY don’t want to strip or re-sand, and I’m happy with the color, just need a water-repellant that I can add as an annual or bi-annual maintenance. Thought about Thompsons until I read your reviews, hope you can help. THX.
TWP 100 is not compliant for CA. New wood needs to sit. Please read this:
No need to do the underside.
New / untreated redwood deck. We are in La Honda, CA: moderate temps, 75″ rain / year, occasional frost. Deck is in direct sun / part shade.
I read that new wood should be left out for some time before sealing, but I want to retain the color of the new redwood, What should I do?
Should I seal the underside before installat6ion while it’s accessible. (again my concern is the instruction to let the wood sit for some time before sealing.)
Also would you recommend 100 or 1500?
You do not need a cleaner if you use the stripper. You still might need to lightly sand after the stripping and brightening.
Thanks for the advice on just using a deck stripper on my cedar deck. Another question, after using the cleaner the first time I now also have white fuzzies on the top of the deck. I believe that is from using the power washer. Can I still just use a cleaner and then the brightener or because of the fuzzies will I need to sand. I love the idea of not sanded and just using the stripper – I just want to not do this every year so want to get it right this time.
[quote name=”opwdecks”]I would not sand but use the Restore A Deck Stripper then the Brightener to prep. Once done you can lightly sand with 60 grit if needed. I would suggest the 100 Series.[/quote]
You cannot stain brand new wood with TWP. It needs to weather 4+ months then cleaned first.
I’ll be buying 13 1x6x10 pressure treated wood from Lowes. So not sure how old it will be. It will not have been stained. This wood is for a motorcycle/utility trailer I’m restoring. The trailer will be exposed to the outdoor elements, and times with a motorcycle sitting on it. Thank you for your advice.
I would not sand but use the Restore A Deck Stripper then the Brightener to prep. Once done you can lightly sand with 60 grit if needed. I would suggest the 100 Series.
I have an 8yr old cedar deck. Sanded it two yes ago and put on Cabot Australian timber oil. The strain has peeled. Last weekend put on a deck cleaner. And finished right before it rained. Deck looks awful so am planning on sanding. What are the next steps. Do I have to use a cleaner and brightener again? What stain will hold up in a mn winter. Also what’s a good time frame. It looks like rain here for the next week. Can I sand then wait to apply deck brightener.
TWP is not compliant for Canada and cannot be shipped there or sold there. We cannot suggest that you break the law and bring it across the border.
Location = Southern Ontario. Raised back deck, two levels, plus wooden Gazebo. Age 15? years, probably basic pressure-treated wood. Heavy mildew, and will be cleaning thoroughly. Some wear, three boards to be replaced. Never stained.
Can you please recommend colour?
Also, do you ship to Canada or must I have shipped to US address & bring over?
About 150-200 sq. feet
What area of decking does 1 gallon cover?
1. We are an online retailer.
2. You cannot blend the 1500 with the 100. Stay with the 120 Pecan.
I had used the TWP 100 stain on my deck in 2011 and have recently applied the rest of the can that was left over to part of my deck. I have looked all over Omaha and am unable to find a store that sells this product – Lowes said they might have discontinued it. With that said, I have 2 questions:
1) Is there a store in Omaha that sells your product?
2) Is there a difference in appearance between the 100 & 1500 series — I have used the leftover can of the 100 series and was only able to get half the deck done. If I order the 1500 for the other half, will it look different if I order the same color (pecan)?
The 100 Series works great on vertical cabin walls.
1) 10 year old bevel sided cabin
2) Rough Pine
3) Wood condition is good after I power washed and used a siding/deck cleaner.
4) Stained when built with Behr Transparent Stain – nothing done to it since first staining.
5) 1 1/2 story cabin 1027 sq. ft.
1. Yes
2. Yes you need to clean and brighten
3. Not on newer wood.
4. That amount sounds correct.
1. 6 months (over winter).
2. western red cedar rough sawn siding
3. looks very fresh
4. No previous treatment
5. Bevel with some board and batten siding on a small house on east slope of Cascades in Washington State. Winter snow and cloudy. Somewhat dry, sunny summer climate.
Is TWP 100 best choice?
Both 101 and 115 test samples look very good, applied on raw wood with no cleaning or brightening. Is cleaning and brightening necessary?
Wood is thirsty. I assume that coverage will be in low end of range.
Total outside wall area (excluding windows) is about 1100 sq. ft. Should I get 2 5 gal. containers?
You should use the Gemini Restore Kit to prep with the pressure washing.
I just ordered your 100 stain. The deck is one year old treated lumber with no stain. Can I was power wash with bleach water and if so how strong a concentrate.
Jeff, I would just do the 1 coat now and then a light maintenance coat in a year or so. Coverage is about 150 sq. feet per gallon. Please read this about new wood:
My deck had hail damage, so I replaced all the horizontal boards with Kiln-Dried After Treated Yellow Pine. The rest of the rails and boards are a mix of new “green” but dried for 5 months and wood that had a solid stain that I sanded off (about 12 years old). I plan on using the restore kit (cleaner) before staining. How many coats should I apply? One or wet on wet? What coverage should I expect? I have just over 1000 sqft of wood surface…144 sqft is on a new lumber privacy fence. Thank you for your help!
Luis, remove the Cabot ATO with the Restore Stain Stripper then use the brightener. Once the wood is dry, you could use either the 100 or 1500. Probably need about 10 gallons for the wet on wet application.
ScottB, you must have color in your stain if you want to prevent UV graying. If you do not care that it grays and just want to protect from other elements, then use the TWP Clear in the 100 or 1500.
Age of Wood: 6 yrs
Type of Wood: Pressure Treated Pine
Condition: Some cracking, stairs have some flaking; Covered portion of deck holding well smooth and stain still visible but some areas are not beading water
Stained Previously: Cabot australian Timber Oil (Natural)
Coverd portion of deck is 453 sqft; Exposed area 340 sqft
Considering TWP 100 Stain is this appropriate?
Purchased a home with a new pressure treated wood deck installed Aug 2012. Since this is nice lumber am not as keen on a stain color change but moreso on preserving and protecting the wood. What is your recommendation plase?
Couple of days.
used twp 100 cedartone stain on cypress picnic table. how long do i need to wait before i can wash it?