TWP 105 is a popular gray color that is a traditional gray. This color is heavier in solids than other TWP color choices. We consider this to be closer to a semi-solid.
TWP 100 Series comes in 9 different color choices, 8 of which are semi-transparent. TWP penetrates into the wood grain while “enhancing” the natural color tones of your wood. TWP 105 is an EPA registered wood and deck stain and preservative. Containing unique ingredients which protect wood from damage, TWP 105 stain color has been a leader and respected product for over 25 years.
Final TWP 105 Cape Cod Gray color will vary based on:
- Type of Wood
- Age of Wood
- Prepping of Wood
- Application method
TWP 105 Cape Cod gray Photo Gallery
If you have used the TWP 105 Cape Cod Gray, we would love to see your photos!
Please add them in the comment area below.
Can I use TWP Cape Cod Gray on my fir table that already has one coat of TWP Clear applied one year ago?
No, you would have to remove the clear first with this kit: https://www.twpstain.com/restore-a-deck-stripper-brightener-kit
I have a cedar sided house that has been stained with 101 cedartone all its (30 year) life. Can I switch over to Cape Cod Gray? If so, what would the process be?
Yes but you will need to strip and brighten for prep.
Would spraying with bleach water and then letting it sit be sufficient?
No, strip and brighten for prep: https://www.twpstain.com/restore-a-deck-stripper-brightener-kit-detail
Water just sits in the middle of the deck or at least a couple hours I was wondering is there anything I should do prior to staining next spring. It’s been weathering for at least 6 months
There is not anything you can do outside if drilling holes and I am sure you do not want to have holes in the floor.
If water just sits there like that, the stain will not soak into the wood. Right? There has to be something I can do for that section.
The issue is you have no drainage. You cannot stain it if wet. Might want to ask your builder for advice.
lighting, it comes out as a very light grey not blue
Some of the pictures have a bluish look or is that the lighting
Could be lighting, etc. More gray colors in the semi-solid line: https://www.twpstain.com/twp-semi-solid-pro-series
Can I use in iowa
Can I use this in Missouri?
Can I buy from TWP cape cod gray 100 series in Indiana? Can I also use it on 15 year old trex decking?
No, it is not allowed in IN.
Can Cape Cod Grey be used in Michigan?
2 years ago I refinished my old deck after sanding off the paint and prepping it with Restore a deck. This year my stairs collapsed and needed to be replaced. After they have weathered a bit I will also stain them with TWP 100 Cape Cod grey.
See this for new wood tips: https://www.twpstainhelp.com/prepping-new-wood-for-twp-stains/
About to stain deck, have used twp Cape cod for years (15+). Great product but now realized need another can, where can I buy locally?
We sell online only as a TWP dealer: https://www.twpstain.com/wood-and-deck-stains/twp-wood-stains/twp-100-series
Okay, not sure you understood can I buy locally? Your website had dealers but called 3 and they dont carry it. If I buy it online with you can I get faster shipping, next day?
We did understand your question and we only sell online as a TWP dealer. You cannot next day air and it has to go ground due to DOT shipping restrictions.
Applied the 105 Cape Cod sample to new (about 1 year old in covered storage) KDAT 5/4 decking…used the bottle over approx. a 1′ length of board. The color is imperceptible…2 or 3 people who looked saw nothing. This is not like the photo’s. Any idea what might be the issue?
This has to do with porosity of the wood or lack there of in your case. You cannot stain new wood until it has weathered outside fully for 4-12 months and then is prepped. This makes the wood more porous and gives a richer color.
I have 10 year old deck and fencing that has been protected with twp cedartone. If I were interested in changing to Cape cod gray could I power wash and go over or? I just ordered a 5 gal cedartone then informed by the boss that she would like gray.
You would need to strip and brighten for prep if you switch to Cape Cod Gray.https://www.twpstain.com/restore-a-deck-stripper-brightener-kit-detail
We are thrilled with our TWP Cape Cod Grey 105 deck stain. Since there is only one color of gray from which to choose, we were unsure whether the Cape Cod would match our home and the deck rail. PERFECT! The shade is lighter than we anticipated, but we love it! This was the first stain application to our Pressure Treated Wood deck in Alabama. We are hoping the stain will tolerate cleanings and greatly hinder the mold and mildew growth here on the lakeside. The stain applies sooo smoothly, and the wet-on-wet method works perfectly. I am hoping we have not “overdone” the stain, and the semi-opaque is perfect! Does it appear that we have applied too heavily? Is applying too heavily possible? We are well pleased with the grain that is showing through. We are also hoping two years from now the stain will have been durable in protection of our deck. It is difficult to contain our excitement as we have been slowly prepping the deck Spring/Summer … and now Autumn is here. Thank you, TWP, for such a product! We researched intermittently for over a year and could not come up with reviews of another product to match yours. TWP was our selection, as is visible. We sum our thoughts with, “Loving It.”
Looks great!
I want to post an update about our TWP Cape Cod gray stain job. It’s perfect–absolutely perfect! The only problem we have had is the one which you warned about–do not apply over mold. We had cleaned our deck but delayed a couple weeks before our application of TWP. Because we do not have gutters, a small amount of daily dew and a bit of rain had dripped and caused some additional mold. We applied the TWP over these mold areas which was a mistake. We have light “peeling” in the mold areas. We are contemplating a light sanding job, a reapplication of Clorox limited to the moldy areas, and then a new staining with a hopeful blend into the current stain. Do you think this will work, or should we wait until the 2 year timeframe? We are puzzled as to how to correct our mistake concerning the mold. Thank you … and we are convinced TWP is the best stain ever :)
It is probably more of a water issue than mildew. You can try and spot fix it.
How can I get TWP stain off vinyl siding? Thanks.
Use a graffiti remover cleaner.
Looking at Cape Cod gray stain in the 100. Will be for new cedar fencing in Texas. Should I use any prep, wait for the cedar to weather in a little, or apply right after install to new wood? How long to weather if so? Thanks!
See this about new wood: https://www.twpstainhelp.com/prepping-new-wood-for-twp-stains/
Hi, I finally finished up sanding my deck today. Prior to sanding I stripped it. Is it okay if the deck gets wet before putting the brightener on? Rain is now in the forecast. Also, how long do I have before I must stain following the brightener application? Thank you.
Rain will not harm anything. Stain within a couple of weeks.
I stripped my deck with RAD stripper and then had to sand the entire deck to get all the stain off. I sanded the deck and plan to brighten with RAD brightener. I don’t have the cleaner. Is it okay to just apply the brightener without using the cleaner. Because I sanded the entire deck it appears clean. What are your thoughts? Thank you for all your help!
Yes, that will work.
I stripped my deck today with the RAD stripper. I’ve got some spot that are to strip. Is it okay Or is there any harm if I let my deck dry and then sand before I put the brightener down? Thanks!
You can sand the spots off but be careful as if you over sand, the stain may take lighter in those areas.
Would it be okay if I lightly sanded the whole thing? It still wet, but there is also white film that appears should come off.
Yes, you can do this. Use 60-80 grit paper.
And then after sanding, I should rinse and put the brightener on, right? Thanks.
How long do I need to wait to apply cedar tone stain after the brightener application? Thanks!
48 Hours.
As discussed…I stripped my deck with RAD, but had numerous areas that didn’t clean up very well. Now, I am going to have to sand the entire deck followed by the brightener. How soon do you recommend I get the deck sanded and brightener application applied? There is lots of rain in the forecast.
Do it as soon as you can.
Hi, as I mentioned earlier, I stripped my deck on Tuesday, but had to sand the entire deck today with a big commercial sander due to the amount of old stain still on the deck. I am wondering if it’s still necessary to apply the brightener before I stain? Thanks!
Yes, it is.
Do you think I should put one or two coats of stain down. I am using cedar tone. Thank you so much for all your help.
One coat.
Do you think I should put one or two coats of stain down. I am using cedar tone. Thank you so much for all your help.
Application of cap cod gray- 1 coat or 2. Roller or brush?
Typically one coat. Stain pad or brush.
I have two decks to stain this summer – one in southern Illinois and one in far northern Michigan. Do you ship TWP 105 to both states?
TWP 100 Series is not allowed to be shipped or used in IL. Only the 1500 Series.
Can cape cod gray be used in MN?
Where can I get cape cod grey (100 series in MN)? Zip code area 56072. Thanks.
We sell online as the TWP online dealer.
Do is have to purchase it online?
Is cape cod grey only sold online?
Is this legal in New Hampshire?
No. Not compliant.
Is there a dealer in the Sacramento, California area? I am interested in Cape Cod Gray for fencing
Sorry but the 100 series is not allowed in CA and the 1500 Series does not have a gray color.
So there’s no product that supports CA at this time?
The TWP 200 Series: https://www.twpstain.com/twp-200-series-5-gallon
Can this be used on siding?
It is a semi solid and it cannot be applied over a stain of a different brand. It will not work unless you remove the current stain first.
Okay thanks, could I ask you to remove this post. Thanks for your quick response.
Is the Cape Cod Gray more prone to peeling than the other tints?
Is there a dealer located in Northern New York?
No, it is not more prone to peeling. The 100 Series. cannot be used or shipped to NY. The 1500 can but it does not come in a gray. We ship the 1500 online from our site to NY.
If I use TWP 105 on well cleaned deck containing cedar and treated lumber, how long before I will need to recoat? years? And…can I simply clean and coat at that time or will stripping/sanding be required?
About 2-3 years. Just clean and recoat as needed.
Does the Cape Cod gray have UV protection?
Hello, I live in Alabama. How long should I wait before staining new treated lumber that is in direct sunlight on a boat dock?
See this: https://www.twpstainhelp.com/prepping-new-wood-for-twp-stains/
If I mix cape cod gray with pecan in the 100 series will I get a beige gray color. Does anyone have experience with this color combination?
Sorry but no idea if it will turn out the color you would like. Best to test with samples: https://www.twpstain.com/stain-samples
Wondering if this worked.
Can you mix colors in 100 series – I would like to get a beige gray color
Yes you can mix colors together from the same series.