TWP 1500 Stain Dealers

by Administrator

twp 1500 stain near meWhere to Buy TWP 1500 Series

Interested in Where to Buy the TWP 1500 Series Wood and Deck stain?

We can ship the TWP 1500 Series Stain to any of the 48 lower US States with free shipping on 5 gallon pails. 

TWP 1500 Stain Retailers

Please beware of “fake” TWP 1500 Series eCommerce & Amazon sellers who are claiming to be Authorized TWP Dealers and/or offering “sales” or “liquidations”. They are not legitimate dealers, recognized by TWP manufacturing.

When buying TWP Branded Products directly online from we know the consumer is fully protected and protects our reputation for treating customers fairly with Genuine TWP high-quality products and service. Only TWP Authorized Online Dealers can display the TWP Online Dealer Logo and offer full warranty and customer service.



New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota

Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia

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Paul Power
Paul Power
11 years ago

Is it available in Canada? I am in the Ottawa area.

TWP Stains Authorized Dealer
11 years ago

bldg&grnds, you can only use the 1500 for NY. We can ship to you there.

11 years ago

We are erecting a cross outside made of oak timbers from our fire destroyed church. the timbers are scorched but in good shape otherwise. We want to retain the natural condition of them but want to protect them as best we can from future rot. what is the best product for us to use and where can we obtain it in Mayfield New York (upstate)?

TWP Stains Authorized Dealer
11 years ago

dbuddyon, Nobody sell TWP in Canada as it is not VOC compliant there.

11 years ago

Who sells your products in Manitoba canada??

Rick Wach
Rick Wach
11 years ago

Where can I buy TWP in Mt Vernon Tx

sam whitton
sam whitton
11 years ago

where can I buy twc 1500 series stain in Cincinnati ohio :

TWP Stains Authorized Dealer
11 years ago

We are located at:

1992 Star batt
Rochester Hills, MI 48309

Mark Wheeler
Mark Wheeler
11 years ago

Please send me a list of TWP 1500 dealers in Michigan I need to purchase 35 gallons of stain.


Mark W

TWP Stains Authorized Dealer
11 years ago

Nancy, we do not have dealers there and shipping normally takes 2-3 days.

Nancy Orourke
Nancy Orourke
11 years ago

Do you have any retailers who sell your product in the Salisbury, MD area, 21804? How long does delivery take if ordered directly with you?

TWP Stains Authorized Dealer
11 years ago

We are an online retailer for TWP. We personally do not have any dealers there.

Kamalla Garnier
Kamalla Garnier
11 years ago

Hello, I live in OR & am wondering if there is any retailer that I can buy the TWP 1500 stain from near me in either OR or WA, zip code 98632. Please let me know asap. Thanks so much.

Kamalla Garnier

TWP Stains Authorized Dealer
11 years ago

Eric, yes that would be fine.

Eric Tuchscher
Eric Tuchscher
11 years ago

If the series 100 is compliant in my state would you go that route over the 1500 for a new cedar fence?

TWP Stains Authorized Dealer
11 years ago

Eric, it is mainly a VOC issue for certain states. The 100 is not compliant for all states.

Eric Tuchscher
Eric Tuchscher
11 years ago

What is the difference between the 1500 and the 100 series. I found a local dealer but they only carry the 100 series. I will be staining a new cedar fence installed late last fall.

Mike S
Mike S
11 years ago

Is TWP sold anywhere in Omaha, NE?

TWP Stains Authorized Dealer
11 years ago

Eric, we would be able to ship to you as we do not have a dealer there personally. i would suggest the 1500 for the fence.

Eric Tuchscher
Eric Tuchscher
11 years ago

I’m curious where I can find your products in North Dakota. Also, we built a new cedar fence last fall and want to apply stain this summer. What would you recommend?

TWP Stains Authorized Dealer
11 years ago

We offer 4% off for that quantity.

Fran Barker
Fran Barker
11 years ago

We need to purchase approximately 100 gallons of TWP 1500. We live in Delaware. Is there any kind of discount for that many gallons. Please let me know. Thank you.

TWP Stains Authorized Dealer
11 years ago

Rich, I would use the 1500 Series. Since it is rough-sawn you can do it right away. About 16 gallons for 2 coats.

Rich Adair
Rich Adair
11 years ago

We built a cedar fence using rough-sawn, kiln-dried posts, railings and pickets. It is a light yellowish cedar color. We like the reviews for TWP stains. Should we use the 100 series or the 1500 series? We live in southeastern Idaho with lots of sun year round, and lots of snow in the winter. Can I stain the fence with TWP now, as it is two weeks since we built the fence, and what is the best way to apply the stain? How many gallons would I need for approximately 1600 sq. ft. of fence surface?

TWP Stains Authorized Dealer
11 years ago

No dealers there. TWP is not designed for exotic hardwoods.

Susann Lowary
Susann Lowary
11 years ago

Is there a dealer for TWP 1500 near Yakima, WA? I am interested in using it for refinishing an outdoor mahogany handrail. Is that the best product?

Gavin McIntosh
Gavin McIntosh
11 years ago

Do you sell in Ontario, Canada?

TWP Stains Authorized Dealer
11 years ago

You can get samples on this link:

William England
William England
11 years ago

Please provide info on providing samples of your TWP 1500 in cedar, dark oak, and natural. The stain will be used on a cedar sided house, approximately 3,000 sq ft, that was last coated with Flood product 12 – 14 year ago. It is being pressure washed now, and I’m looking to refinish within the next week or so.

Thank you. We’re located in central PA.

TWP Stains Authorized Dealer
11 years ago

TWP is an oil based penetrating stain that lasts about 2-3 years. You would want the 1500 Series.

11 years ago

I live in Meridian, MS 39307. I am looking for the best product to protect my approx 17 yr old deck that I just cleaned, and what a job it was. It gets about 60% shade. I might be interested in staining it also, depending on the color opts. If there is a choice, which is better: water base or oil base sealer? I prefer something I’m not going to have to redo ever 2-3 years.
Thanks, Austin

TWP Stains Authorized Dealer
11 years ago

Theresa, You can only use the 1500 in MA. We can ship it to you.

11 years ago

I want to seal/stain my pressure treated deck in MA. It gets full sunlight in the afternoon. I want a product that will last several years without much attention. TWP100 or the newer 1500 series? any stores in MA that carry your products?

TWP Stains Authorized Dealer
11 years ago

We are an online distributor. We ca ship to you. I would look at the 1500 Series.

Tim Williams
Tim Williams
11 years ago

I have a heart redwood deck in Southern Cal. Been using Super Deck and it doesn’t seem to hold up in areas that get water. do you have any dealers in So Cal. Can you reccomend a product and color?

TWP Stains Authorized Dealer
11 years ago

TWP is a semi-transparent oil based stain.

TWP Stains Authorized Dealer
11 years ago

John, we are an online dealer and personally do not have any dealers in CT. You would need the 1500 for there.

John Patai
John Patai
11 years ago

Is the TWP semi-tranparent stain oil or water based and can I purchase locally in the Cleveland Ohio area?

John Pavelchak
John Pavelchak
11 years ago

I need to locate dealers in Connecticut so that I can purchase
this product. I,m using it to stain the top 2×2’s to be installed on
the top part of my pergola. The 2×2’s are seasoned hemlock.

Besides giving me dealers, can you also suggest the best TWP
product for this application?

Thank you and will wait for your response,

TWP Stains Authorized Dealer
11 years ago

You should prep the wood first with the Restore A Deck Stripper followed by the brightener. This will allow the TWP to properly penetrate and adhere to the wood. Price is currently $182.99 for a 5 gallon pail with the free shipping.

11 years ago

I have used Thompson Wood Preservative on my deck.The deck is 20 years old and is pressure treated wood.Can I apply TWP over the Thompson. The preservative I used is a clear color, oil base.If yes, where can I purchase TWP, clear color and what is cost for 5 gal. I live in Somers Ct. ,zip code 06071


P. Postelmans
P. Postelmans
11 years ago

Hello, I live in Northwest Indiana and would like to know if there are any retailers in my area? Thank You.

Paul Ginter
Paul Ginter
11 years ago

Could you please tell me if there are any retailers in the following areas:
Elmira, NY(14905)
or Wilkes-Barre, PA(18702)
Thank you,

TWP Stains Authorized Dealer
11 years ago

We are located at:

1992 Star Batt
Rochester Hills MI 48309

TWP Stains Authorized Dealer
11 years ago

Sorry, no dealers outside the 48 states. We do not ship there either.

karen tallian
karen tallian
11 years ago

I need this product in the US Virgin Islands? Any chance?

Mark Wheeler
Mark Wheeler
11 years ago

What is the cost of your TWP 1500 in 5 gal? Also where are your dealers in Michigan?

TWP Stains Authorized Dealer
12 years ago

TWP 1500 is not compliant for Canada and cannot be sold there.

Frank Rodgers
Frank Rodgers
12 years ago

Is your TWP1500 product available in Canada? I live north of Vancouver BC so Washington state is close. I could pick it up in Bellingham WA if there is a supplier there. I plan to apply it on exterior Douglas Fir posts and beams. Any suggestions?

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