TWP 1500 Series Deck Stain – The Best Low VOC Deck Stain
Need Help with your TWP 1500 Stain?
TWP 1500 Stain is a highly rated, EPA registered wood preservative that can be used for all types of exterior wood, siding and decking. TWP 1500 Stain will perform at its maximum potential when the wood is properly prepped and when the stain is properly applied. Unfortunately not all wood is in the same condition prior to applying the stain.
We are here to help with your project!
Please answer these few questions to achieve the best possible results with your TWP 1500 Wood and Decking Stain.
Age of wood?
- Type of wood?
- Condition of the wood?
- Has it been stained previously and if so with what brand of stain?
- Small description of the area to be treated.
Ask Questions in Comment Area Below
Is there a mildew preventative in the TWP stain?
Chris, sorry but you did not ask a question(s). We would need a total sq. footage for amount of products needed.
2yrs, cedar-tone pressure treated with Cedar posts. Good, normal mountain sun darkened, some gray tones. Stained with DeckMate natural stain about 4 months after installation, prior to first winter.
Roughly 50’x8′ with two stairs, 2step and 6 step, 6″x6″ posts, and 2″x8″ cedar railings.
[quote name=”TheSealerStore”]JD, Pecan is a Brownish Cedartone color so that would be a good option. You can also mix colors if needed. Adding a little Dark Oak into the Natural may work.[/quote]
That’s a thought. I think I will purchase the Pecan and adjust it if needed. Thanks for the tip.
JD, Pecan is a Brownish Cedartone color so that would be a good option. You can also mix colors if needed. Adding a little Dark Oak into the Natural may work.
I have purchased three color samples. I’m getting close to what I want. Here are my observations.
Rustic: way too red
Cedar: nice, but has a gold/ochre hue to it I don’t like
Natural: my favorite, but has an orange hue to it. Would prefer something similar but a little more brown.
What do you suggest? I’m wondering about Pecan. Your thoughts with my comments above?
Terrylievens, you can get the 200 series on this link:
Less than a year,
Good but starting to show sun damage
It was stained with a clear protectant about 9 months ago.
Large fence fronts the street for about 150′ want something to look nice and show the large lot of our home off. A neighbor did the butternut in the TWP 200 series but mentioned this product may not be available anymore? Can I get the 200 series? I really like how theirs turned out.
Peter, please read this about new decking:
We are having a new cedar deck built. How should we prep the wood before staining? The deck is facing southwest so it gets direct sunlight and is hot in the summer. We live in Oakland, CA.
Thank you.
Rick, best to prep with the Gemini Restore Kit before staining. Caulk does not work for outside wood and would not blend or be covered by the TWP. Best to just leave the splits alone as this is normal with outside wood.
I have brand new pressure treated pine deck installed in June 2013 that is soon to be 12 months old. The wood is in good condition and I am letting it age for 12 months before staining in June 2014. The deck is in southwest Ohio, faces west, and is in the sun for 12 hours a day. Winters are moderately severe. What do you recommend for deck cleaning, deck brightening, and deck staining for maximum protection and maximum longevity? I have read that semitransparent penetrating oil stains are best. We were thinking of TWP 1500.
Also, some good condition boards have a longitudinal split for part of the length. Do you have a recommendation for repair? I have used silicone calk on past decks that seemend to perform well.
David, best to follow these directions when it come to new wood:
Winter cut Tulip Poplar air drying about 4 weeks, will be used as roof beams and roof decking. What % moisture does it need to achieve and at what temperature can I apply it? I plan on staining it with TWP 1500 before assembling.
Winter cut Tulip Poplar has been air drying about 4 weeks. The Poplar will be used as roof beams and roof decking. What moisture % does the wood need to be and at what temperature can I apply TWP 1500? I plan on staining before assembling.
Kristin, it is not possible to get the two wood species to match. I would get a few samples and test to see if you can get it close.
I am trying to find the right color for my front door. My cypress posts are TWP dark oak, however my door is spanish cedar so the colors will not match. Do you have a formula of different TWP stains I can use to get the dark oak color to match on cypress and spanish cedar? I think I will need to go with the black walnut.
Any suggestions?
[quote name=”rro”]have new cedar railing fence live in south texas. would like to preserve color and fence what stain.[/quote]
Please read this: http://www.twpstainhelp.com/prepping-new-wood-for-twp-stains/
1500 Series for the fence.
Please read this about new wood:
The 1500 Series would work well.
I am building a new deck porch on my home. I have constructed the base with treated lumber and then purchased some western red cedar boards to cover it. The cedar was recently milled and has not been treated in anyway. I would like to maintain the natural color of the cedar. What do you recommend for this and should I put the boards on then treat them or pretreat them. I live in the Panhandle of Texas. Thank you.
have new cedar railing fence live in south texas. would like to preserve color and fence what stain.
Please read this: http://www.twpstainhelp.com/prepping-new-wood-for-twp-stains/
I am replacing all the deck boards on my deck. I will be using pressure treated pine. How long I wait before staining with TWP 1500?
Can 1500 be used on new interior fir or hemlock trim, including wood clad (on the inside) doors and windows? Any problems with using 1500 in this way?
Bill, you would need to remove the old ocating first with a stain stripper. You may also need to sand some. Basically all of the old stain needs to be removed before TWP can be applied. TWP is a penetrating stain. It does not fill cracks.
I want to restore a deck, approximately 700 sq feet, at a beach house. The wood is pressure treated and approximately 12 to 15 years old. Some of the boards need to be replaced and some are cracked slightly. The deck was previously stained with a dark stain (possibly Home Depot brand)about 5 years ago. I would like to stain it gray, but any color would really do. Also will any of this seal or fill the cracks. The deck gets a lot of sun on a daily basis.
Denny, max 95 and min 45.
Dry times varies on the wood and temps. Anywhere form 4 hours to 12 hours is normal.
What are min and max temps for applying 1500 stain and how long does it take to dry under those conditions?
David, for Indiana you need to use the TWP 1500 Series. Sanding reduces the stain’s ability to penetrate and is not advised.
I have some White Oak Deck furniture I built 3 years ago. I originally treated it with a product called Mono-Coat which did not hold up. The following year I cleaned and sanded all the items, and I used the Mono-Coat again since they told me the process needed more time to soak in. This did not work again. This year I cleaned, applied pure bleach, sanded and applied Pure Tung oil. Again the no success. The biggest problem I have is MOLD! After a month or so outside, NW Indiana, I get mold spots all over the furniture. I was told your product would prevent this and give me more protection. Please advise me as to what TWP product I should use.
Barb, answers to your questions can be found here: http://www.twpstainhelp.com/prepping-new-wood-for-twp-stains/
Just installed new redwood deck and trellis (December 13 finished). I am understanding now that I should wait to stain it. How long? I live in Oakland, California so no snow and rain from (good question this year) December thru March, maybe some in April. Also, could you provide detailed preparation steps? I also read somewhere that no matter what a new deck should be cleaned right away. Is this true? If so, with what? What would you do now for over the winter – anything? Thanks so much.
Suezee, yes you should apply two coats wet on wet. Never put a polyurethane on outside wood. See here for more info:
age-30 yrs
type-cedar or walnut
cond. dry
doesn’t appear to have ever been stained
fake trusses somewhat protected under the soffit.
question-is 2 coat necessary? what is wet on wet?
any protectant recommended(polyurethane, etc.)?
James E, use the TWP 1500 Series for the fence. 2 light coats wet on wet are best. Coverage is about 150 sq. feet per gallon for the first coats and 200-300 for the second coat.
1. eight (8) months
2. treated pine
3. New cleaned with a solution of TSP Sodium Hypochlorite and water.
4. N/A
5. 256 L ft. X 6′ Privacy fence. Total surface both sides about 3,000 sq. ft.
prattcj, best to clean the wood over sanding.
Thank you. I assume the prep on the teak furniture is a light sanding? Or would I use some of the restor-a-deck cleaners?
prattcj, you should be able to apply to the teak as long as you prep it correctly first. Just one coat.
Hi – I bought a 5 gallon of the TWP 1500 this summer. Worked great on my deck. I was wondering if I could apply to teak outdoor furniture? The furniture set is about 6 years old and in decent shape. I did use a teak oil previously.
George, prep first with the Gemini Restore Kit and stain with the 1500 Series for the older wood. Two coats “wet on wet”.
Old deck
pressure treated pine
poor condition
previously stained with Thompsons water sealer
deck surrounding pool and adjascent fence.
fence same wood but in good cond
John E, best to prep with the Gemini Restore Kit and a light pressure wash. Sand lightly if needed with 60 grit paper. Stain with the 1500 Series.
I have [b]vertical[/b] support framing beam ~30′ logs in a home, with splitting and extensive sun damage. These support beams have full west sun exposure and appear to have not been treated with anything for several years maybe since original construction since These logs are approximately 30′ tall. The home is 1993 vintage.
What would be the best preparation and treatment for these logs?
Prep first with the Gemini Restore Kit. Stain with the TWP 1500 for San Fransisco.
1 year old
Redwood (smooth hearts)
Good/new condition
Never stained before
The wood has seen one winter and one summer (full sun/part shade) – San Francisco, Ca
Scott, if the wood is rough sawn you are ready to stain with no prep. Apply two light coats “wet on wet” of the TWP 1500 Series.
Constucting new 300 ft. fence fronting an orchard. Fence is 10 x 10in.
and 8x8in. new resawn untreated doug fir timber posts with notched 2×8 DF rails. Posts are supported on steel in concrete below ground to minimize rot from soil and irrigation. Bottom of posts to be treated with Copper Green brown were they contact concrete. We may silicone bottoms of posts to prevent wicking up the post. What are your thoughts on prep, staining and preserving this high dollar fence? Located north county San Diego, CA
Regards, Scott
Bill, for northern VA you would need the TWP 1500 Series. We can ship it to you in 2-3 business days.
I have an 18 year old 4,000 sq ft boat dock in full sun exposure with no shade, live in Northern Virginia. I just power washed the dock and looking for a good stain. I’ve used Thompsons, BEHR and Sikkens. I can’t seem to find a local TWP dealer. What deck stain would you recommend, where can I get it and how best is it applied, brush, roller or spray? Need it fairly quickly as I want to stain the dock this weekend, the dock was just power washed and it is drying out now. Weather will be 56-62 degrees this Friday, Sat and Sunday.