TWP 1500 Series Deck Stain – The Best Low VOC Deck Stain
Need Help with your TWP 1500 Stain?
TWP 1500 Stain is a highly rated, EPA registered wood preservative that can be used for all types of exterior wood, siding and decking. TWP 1500 Stain will perform at its maximum potential when the wood is properly prepped and when the stain is properly applied. Unfortunately not all wood is in the same condition prior to applying the stain.
We are here to help with your project!
Please answer these few questions to achieve the best possible results with your TWP 1500 Wood and Decking Stain.
Age of wood?
- Type of wood?
- Condition of the wood?
- Has it been stained previously and if so with what brand of stain?
- Small description of the area to be treated.
Ask Questions in Comment Area Below
Last fall I stained my white pine exterior porch timbers with TWP 1520 stain in Pecan, and I am not happy with the color. I would like to go over it with a darker color. Can I just go over it with the new color, what would be the best prep?
When changing colors it is best to strip and brighten for prep with the Restore-A-Deck Stripper and Brightener Kits.
is TWP 200 and TWP 1500 both oil based? I have used 200 for years but my deck gets 100% sun all day and was reading that 1500 might offer better protection. I just don’t want to have to prep other than cleaning
Both oil. You would have to use our RAD stripper and brightener kit of switching.
I have recently replaced my redwood deck and I will not purchase and apply a product that has not been examined thoroughly. Is it possible to get samples of your products? Specifically, both TWP 1500 – 1502 Redwood and TWP 1500 – 1511 California Redwood. If so, how do I go about such a request?
Samples are on this link: https://www.twpstain.com/1500-series-stain-samples
Also, see here about new wood: https://www.twpstainhelp.com/prepping-new-wood-for-twp-stains/
We applied TWP 1500 to our deck and after it rained and now there is splotchy sections, can we apply the same TWP 1500 the following year, can we lightly sand and reapply, or do we need to remove it completely and reapply
Please post some pics in the comments after the rain dries to see the extent of the damage.
I have brand by new pressure treated deck that surrounds my above ground pool
It was finished being built in Aug of 23
I kept it covered with tarps for this 24-25 winter to prevent cracks and intense moisture for this current winter only
I am looking for a semi transparent grey oil based stain
Any suggestions? Prep?
I live in Massachusetts and have various types of weather
Do not want a sealant but something that won’t cause a slippery deck when exiting the pool
See here about new wood and TWP: https://www.twpstainhelp.com/prepping-new-wood-for-twp-stains
FYI, you should not have covered the deck as the new wood needs to weather fully exposed for 4+ months. It’s best to remove this now, and then you can stain in May/June.
For gray colors, you will need the TWP Semi-Solid Low-Voc for MA.
I have used TWP brands earlier and lately TWP 1501 Cedartone (hand brush painted) on my redwood fences for over 30 years. Is that still recommended.
Yes, that would be the correct product.
I hired a contractor to clean, sand and re-stain my redwood deck with TWP 1500 California Redwood. When the job was complete, some dark black circles surfaced from a propane tank that had been sitting on the deck. The contractor said there was nothing to be done, but I’ve since read that there are solutions with oxalic acid that could potentially have lifted the stain. Is it possible to have someone attempt to ‘spot treat’ that area and then restain it, or will the entire deck have to be restained? Is it worth trying or should I just wait until the next time I have the deck stained? Please, I’d appreciate your advice on this. I’m a homeowner who is just trying to take care of my property!
You contractor is correct. That is deep in the wood and will not come out fully.
I recently had my redwood deck re-stained with TWP 1500 (4 weeks ago). I’m seeing some bird droppings on the deck. What is the best way to remove the bird droppings without harming the stain?
Water only.
We have a four year old cedar deck that has never been cleaned or sealed. We would like to clean and seal it with a semi-transparent stain / sealer. How do you recommend we proceed?
Prep with our Gemini Restore Kit. Use the 1500 Series stain. 2 coats applied wet on wet.
Our deck has been in place for 3 months now
which series of stain in Pecan would be bet for new wood ?
ready to stain here , within the next few weeks.
Read this first. https://twpstainhelp.com/prepping-new-wood-for-twp-stains/
Use the 1500 Series when ready.
I finished prepping my deck with RAD brightener 10 days ago. Today, my TWP 1500 stain shipment will finally be arriving, but rain is in the forecast for tomorrow. That means I’ll be pushed out at least another 2 days before I can stain the deck.
Am I getting to the point where I’ll need to clean and brighten again before staining or will it be okay? I know that the wood needs to be clean to stain it. Can I still just blow the dust off of it and wipe off the bird droppings?
You should be okay as long as it done soon. Make sure it is free of dirt and bird droppings.
Thanks for the speedy response!
I live in Natchez, MS (lots of sun and humidity). I have a 6 mo old deck in need of sealing. Can your 1500 product be used in a spray gun for lattice sides? Will I need two coats?
How many gallons for 400 sq ft?
Thank you,
Karen Foster
Yes, you can spray it. See here about new wood prep and staining: https://www.twpstainhelp.com/prepping-new-wood-for-twp-stains/
About 3 gallons for 400 sq feet. Make sure you add up all floors, rails, steps and lattice into your sq footage.
I still have some fuzzies after stripping, lightly sanding, and brightening. Is it okay to leave them or should I try to ‘spot – buff” them out with the orbital sander? And, if I ‘spot-buff’ now, will I need to brighten again? I’ll be staining with TWP 1500.
You should be good to stain as they typically do not show when stained. FYI, you cannot spot buff. You would have to buff the entire flooring as “spot” sanding/buffing would lead to lighter stain application in those areas and your end result would be blotchy.
We are putting up new, kiln-dried cedar siding, we want it to age naturally to the silver-gray tone. No stain. We are considering the TWP-1500 with no UV protectant. Question: should we apply it before installing? The generic PDF instructions on the TWP website say to wait 4-12 months before applying, then power washing and applying the stain. That seems like a lot more effort than applying before installing. Plus, you can’t do both sides once it’s installed. If the 1500 allows the natural weathering, and it’s already kiln dried, could we apply it before installing? Please advise.
No, you cannot precoat before install. For Kiln dried wood, you should wait 1-2 months, prep, and then apply the clear TWP.
But your website says the following:
TWP and New Smooth Decking or Exterior Wood
Note: New Rough Sawn vertical wood/fencing can be stained right away with no wait and with no prep as it does not have mill glaze and is very absorbent. Just make sure the wood is fully dry. If Rough sawn wood has aged or oxidized (grayed) then it will need to be prepped with Gemini Restore Kit.
If your siding is smooth kiln dried wood, then you must weather and prep. If it is rough cut then no need to weather or prep.
Your prior comments and question never mentioned if it was smooth or rough sawn wood.
FYI, not point or advantage to coating all sides of the wood. Only coat the exposed wood.
We are using 12×12 cypress posts for our new build, our door is made out of a variation of mahogany and other hardwoods. We are looking for a stain that we can apply that will be very close in color for both the posts and doors. What is the best TWP to go with?
You cannot make cypress wood match exotic hardwoods with a stain. No matter what, the cypress will stain differently as the internal color of the cypress is much different than exotic hardwoods. Our best options for hardwoods is our TWP Natural Effect products.
Five year old home with rough cedar siding. Stain has held up well but I have no idea what brand was used originally. Thought is was Pratt and Lambert, but heard it was no longer made? Its a large house and I really do not want to remove all the old stain at risk of 1) time, and 2) harming the wood. Can TWP be used over the old stain id washed well?
No, you have to remove no matter what when switching. Post pics for help on removing.
I have new cedar shutters. I simply want the best protection without altering the natural colors as best I can. What do you recommend?
It must have a color in the stain for UV protection and that means your wood color will be enhanced/altered. Honeytone is the lightest tint with UV protection.
I have a 1600 sqft deck 14 yrs stained 1 x with Penifin oil stain. Condition all gray.
Wood type: Thermory Ash Wood
Use this kit for prep:
then the TWP 1500 Series for the stain.
Looking to stain new cedar posts and beams on a front and back porch. I am looking for the most natural look that provides the most protection. Which TWP product do you recommend?
The TWP 1515 Honeytone.
I am applying TWP 1500 Stan to my new wood fence and railroad tie retaining wall. Can I buy one of those harbor freight paint sprayers and will it spray the stain through it?
TWP 1500 Series can be applied with a sprayer.
I have a nine year old cedar deck that has previously had Penofin penetrating oil apply every two years. I stripped and brighten changed to Ready Seal, which I hate because it has color rub off. So it has been stripped and brightened again and does have some fuzzies. Couple questions, do I need to sand the fuzzies off before treating and which TWP product would you recommend for a cedar deck in Missouri, on northwest side of house? I loved the look of Penofin but it seems like it had to be done every year of 18 months. But maybe it’s what I need so I don’t have color rub off? thanks
Look at the 100 Series for MO. No need to sand unless the fuzzies are really bad. TWP is a much better stain than Penofin and will not darken or turn black like Penofin usually does.
Do you apply the 100 series and wipe it off, like the Penofin or not? Some stains say you don’t have to wipe them. I just figured you would always wipe them after applying. Thanks.
Typicaly not needed. Apply two light coats wet on wet.
Another question, as when the deck was first built new, a light coat of Penofin was put on the underneath side of the boards. I did not try and strip the underneath. That side of the wood still looks like it has slight color to it as it doesn’t get the elements. Is that fine that the bottom of the board could still have penofin. My deck floor boards are 1 1/2 inches thick if that makes a difference as I know some decks might be 1 inch. thanks so much. Also, do fuzzies just eventually wear off? I read somewhere that if you sand them, to use 80 or 60 grit. And if I sand should I wait a number of days before treating in case wood pores close?
No issues. Fuzzies do not wear off but typically do not show much or all after staining.. You can buff sand them off if you want. Very easy. Rent a floor buffing with a sanding pad and buff the floor. If you do that, brighten the wood again for final prep.
Looking for the best, longest lasting clear stain for my redwood fence. It was built over a year ago and I just pressure washed it. Thanks!
Clear with no tint or color means it will not provide UV protection from graying. It MUST be tinted for UV protection. Look at any of the tinted colors in our 1500 Series:
Thanks. Will the 1530 natural provide UV protection here in northern California?
Yes as it tinted, not clear.
1.15 years
3.fair to good
4.behr stain before that something else I’m not sure
I will be sanding and using restore a deck brightener
Make sure to only sand with 60-80 grit paper. You brighten after any sanding. TWP 1500 last.
What is the best TWP for log homes
TWP 1500 Series.
So I have a home built cedar shed two story. I washed the old stain off. What is the best color 1500 will work with the natural look of cedar.
Hello, any color that you like will work. It is up to you. See here for photos:
Bought a house with a deck that was not maintained very well. Appears to be treated pine, not sure of age. I have power washed everything and looking to stain but curious if there if additional prep that should be done prior to applying the TWP.
Looks good to stain with the TWP.