TWP 100 PRO Series Stain
TWP® 100 Pro-Series will keep your wood beautiful, fresh, and looking new longer! The ease of application and maintenance will allow you to enjoy your investment for years to come. Containing unique ingredients that protect the wood from damage, TWP 100 Series has been a leader and respected product for over 25 years.
Penetrating and enhances natural wood tones in 8 different colors
- Preserves wood from turning gray
- Sheds water
- Used for all types of exterior natural wood – Decking, Wood Houses, Wood Fencing, Hardwoods, etc
- Not prone to Mildew and Mold
TWP® 100 Pro-Series provides a broad spectrum of weather protection, is water repellent, and aids in color retention. TWP® 100 Pro-Series resists water absorption that causes warping, cracking, splitting, and prevents freeze damage in colder climates.
Use TWP® 100 Pro-Series to Restore and Protect YOUR GREAT OUTDOORS!
Please Note:
TWP 100 Series is not compliant in all states. Please read this for additional information:Â VOC States.
TWP 1500Â series can be shipped to all 50 states.
*We do not guarantee stain colors as they will vary widely depending on the wood type, age, of wood, prepping of wood, and application. Small samples are available.
*TWP 105 Cape Cod Gray and 106 Prairie Gray are close to semi-solid in appearance.
TWP 100 Series 5 Gallon Deck Stain
Sorry if this has been asked before, there is not a good way to search for answers.
What is the recommended wood humidity level to apply the stain?
20% or less with a moisture meter.
TWP 100 VS TWP SEMI SOLID. Are there major appearance differences? Durability? Maintenance? What Solid color best matches 100 Dark Oak.
Semi-solid is more opaque than the TWP 100 Series and thusly will have better UV protection. Maintenance is the same. There is not a match for the 103 Dark Oak in the semi-solid line. You can order test colors here:
What is the process for recoating TWP after the 2-3 year period of life for the initial coating?
Use this prep kit for recoating:
I used the stripped/brightener kit last fall but wasn’t able to stain due to weather. Should I repeat the process? I feel like there are some spots that aren’t completely stripped.
Yes, redo if not all of the old stain came off with the first attempt.
is it compliant in Arizona?
The TWP 100 Series is complaint everywhere but the Phoneix area. If in the Phoneix area, use the 1500 Series.
How long does it protect for
2-3 years on a horizontal deck surface. 4-7 years on a vertical wood surface like a fence or house.
Experience says on vertical coastal red cedar more like 4 years before graying become noticeable (19707 area is moderately high humidity year round)
4-7 is normal depending on UV exposure.
I’m in Las Vegas & am doing a deck out of pallet wood. Deck is 40’×8.5′. With our extreme weather, how much will I need?
Ok. Will the 100 series be good?
Is one good coat sufficent? Im working by myself and I can’t physically do the wet on wet treatment you speak of.
Two would be better for this fence.
I have a new treated pine wood fence. It’s roughly 150 feet in length. Im in south L
ouisiana so how much product would I need to do the job and what product is best for high humidity and heat in the summer. Please advise…..Thanks
We would need a total sq footage amount for both sides to help with the amount needed. Use the TWP 100 Series. See here about new wood:
150 total feet on the length of the fence.
Total square footage is needed, not length.
I need a formula to figure that please.
Length x height x 2 if doing both sides.
1800 sq. feet for 2 coats of TW100 please. How many gallons would I need for 2 coats. Please advise. Thanks!
About 15-18 gallons.
I live in Michigan and just 11/1/21 had a new deck/porch put on my house. First, will it be ok to stain with 101 right away in the spring (6 months) after having snow on it all winter?
Second, my posts on my porch are wrapped in rough cedar, can I stain them right away if we have a day over 50 degrees? if so how do I prep rough cedar?
Best to do it all in the Spring at the same time:
Does anyone have a picture of Dark Oak 103 mixed 50/50 with Cape Cod Gray on a deck?
We do not. You can test mixing samples on your own.
What’s the right temperature I should stain my deck?
How do I order a 103-116 mix. I saw a picture of this and like the color. Called, but the person who answered did not know
We do not custom mix. You have to mix that on your own by buying both colors.
It ships free from? I’m in Seattle. Time?
Michigan. Takes 4-6 business days to arrive the WA.
I had used Rustic Oak 116 back in 2015. What is the difference between Rustic Stain and Extention Stain? Amazon shows your product in Rustic Oak Extension Stain. Or Rustic Stain. Or Rustic Oak.??!!
There is no such thing as “extension” stain with TWP and 99% of amazon dealers are not legit TWP dealers. Don’t buy from Amazon.
Is TWP 100 a Better product than 1500? Assuming that if the EPA is regulating it in some states and you’re still selling it when you have an alternate, it must be better?
They last the same.
Somehow I miss calculated and ended up with 3 unopened 5 gal buckets (15 gal total) (100 pecan). Is there a way to return for a refund?If not, what’s the best way to store this and how long will it last until my next coat in a few years?
You can see our policy here:
If you store it in a temperature-controlled room, it will last for many years if unopened.
Is it okay to stain with light dew later in the day when it dries? It seems as if I am always fighting weather. It is either too hot, raining, and now light dew. It rarely seems like the perfect time to stain. I live in Lincoln, NE if that helps. Thanks!
It should be fine.
Do you recommend this product for pine split rail fences?
Also, it’s new and pressure treated. How long before applying considering it’s rough cut and already appears very dry?
Thank you.
You can stain now and works great for fences
I live in CT. where is a store in the northeast where I can purchase Cape Cod 105, as I have 2 decks, 1 is finished with a competitors product that I am not very happy with. I need to use a gray that is high quality and your gray is very close to my color and I am willing to travel to get it. Thanks in advance. Randy
We sell online only as a dealer and the TWP 100 Series is not allowed in CT due to t VOC laws. The 1500 does not come in a gray color.
which is best stain for northern nevada..rain, snow, heat,cold, dry climate
Use the 100 series.
What’s the difference between the 100 and 1500 series of stain. Also, what would be the better stain to use in the Chicago area?
The difference is VOCs and what is allowed in your state. You need the 1500 for IL.
Two 5 gallon cans. Shipping price to 18435TWP 100 series
5-gallon pails ship free. You need the 1500 series for PA. 100 is not allowed.
How much is shipping for 2 5 gal3 cans of Twp deck stain to zip code 18435
I finished 1″ x 6″ T&G coastal red cedar “clear” grade siding (installed vertically) on both sides before installation 6 years ago with TWP1501 Cedartone. After 3 years of no appreciable change, siding is now slowly darkening (zip 19707). We are doing some woodpecker repairs shortly and thinking to clean and reapply 1501. We like the minimum finish look. Should we do “clear” or “cedartone” again?
great product!!
Same color as last time. Make sure to prep with the Gemini Kit.
What’s the difference between 100 and 1500 series clear stain?
VOC compliance for certain states. The 100 Series is not allowed in all states.
So is that the ONLY difference? They should last and protect the same ?
They last the same.
So, it’s been 24 hours since I’ve applied TWP102 redwood stain on my redwood (actual) deck. Generally it looks fantastic however there are some boards that still look shiny and are tacky to the touch. I did the 2 coats (wet on wet) and rolled in between. Should I try to remove some of the material?
Let it cure and dry out for a few more days.
Hi, i have cleaned and powerwashed, 3 decks, Iam in western Iowa, sun beats down on decks all day.. removed cabot semi stain which peeled and faded.. looking for a stain does not peel, does not look as if painted on , but still has color, need sun protection, have tried clear stains with uv still grays right away.. what would you recommend I have a log house done in permachink sequoia would like a something that goes with the house color.. leaning toward the 100 or 1500
Use the TWP 1500. TWP are penetrating stains that doe not peel.
Hi! Would you think Honey would be a good custom mix with Rustic to lighten it a little? Thank you.
Yes, you can do this.
Order tracking # 1ZE380550393544043. Ordered stain from you. Just received email saying order was canceled. Order #00115056. Was canceled by UPS.
The order was not cancelled, just a redo of the UPS label. A new UPS label was emailed to you.
I love the same… Goes on easy and wears is well… Do you folks still 5 gallon pails on special when you buy three?… I believe this is what I did three years ago and was looking to do the same but don’t see that offer anymore?… Thanks
We have never had a discount like the one you mentioned. The only time we would offer a quantity discount is if you buy in pallets or 36 5-gallon pails all at once.
I ordered 4 samples of stains for a total of $32.00 Order Number PLU3098769 I am placing an order for 2 five gallon stains and would like this amount to be deducted/credited to my credit card purchase.
How To Claim Sample Credit
Enter your sample order number into the “Comment Area” during checkout. The sample credit will be issued after the order for the 5-gallon pail is placed. Typically, the next business day and will post to your Credit card or Pay Pal account within 3-8 business days.
The sample program cannot be combined with any promotional discount coupons!
Max Discount is $15
I have a gallon of TWP 103 DARK OAK. How can I tell if it’s 100 or 1500 series? I don’t see anything on the label indicating either.
103 means 100 Series.
I ran out of stain, and some of the coverage is not repelling rain. (It’s 1-1.5 coats and light coverage in most places). Recommendations?
Also – I got some stain on my window – what cleaner should I use to remove from glass and window frame?
FYI, TWP is breathable to it sheds water, not repels like a car wax. Best to leave as is for now and then do a light cleaning and re-coating as needed in 1-2 years or longer.
Use goof off to clean the stain off glass.
Can TWP 100 be used as a stain on wood patio table and chairs/benches?
How long does the stain need to dry after application?
12-48 Hours.
Ok. What does the wood moisture content need to be on the deck before applying the stain?
I have to do some Facia boards and the body of the house is painted already if I use your product and then pressure wash would it damage the paint
Prep products do not remove paint unless the paint is peeling.
I want the appearance of the natural wood. I was going to order clear however I didn’t account for the no uv protection. What would you recommend for a natural look ( this deck is 12 months old, has never been stained). Thank you
Honeytone is the lightest color. You can see photos here:
Can you mix 1part dark oak with 4 parts clear? Is that enough solids for UV protection?
You can mix colors but with your ratios, you will have about 20% the normal UV protection as using straight Dark Oak.
I am building a douglas fir pergola in Idaho and want to use a product like weatherwash to artificially age the wood then apply a clear stain over that. Is that advisable to get an aged appearance? or will UV penetration still damage/change the wood drastically?
No, you cannot use TWP in this way.
Can you explain why? Or provide an alternate plan?
TWP cannot be applied over another coating, it will peel. TWP also cannot be applied to new wood:
Can this stain be sprayed on?
My deck wood is old-growth oak (mostly white oak) which is very dense & a hardwood,comparative to IPE. Will the TWP 100 seal & penetrate it?
Yes, but your wood type will require annual reapplication.
If you want better UV protection than you would want the semi-solid:
TWP will last 2-3 years on a deck but it is normal to fade lightly through the 2-3 years. This makes reapplication easy by just cleaning and re-coating with the same series and stain color.
I live in Texas and have a painted porch on the front and back of the house I’m going to remove the old 2×6 deck sand and flip over so the underside will be the top There is no paint or stain on the underside Can I just roll the TWP 100 on
Treat this like new wood. Weather and prep after the flip:
You will need the TWP 1500 for CO. As for the prep, use this kit:
Can this be applied to a brand new bamboo fence ?
Sorry but no, it does not work for bamboo.
I was staining my deck and a few large drops of the TWP 100 dark oak got on the concrete. It’s been about 3 weeks and I’ve tried everything to remove it, any suggestions?
Try a graffiti remover and pressure washing l.
Xylene works. I had the same issue. You can pick up Xylene at most hardware and paint stores. It’s a hazardous chemical so make sure you use chemical resistant gloves. Don’t touch it with bare skin.
My rough sawn cedar house needs restaining. I used TWP 100 on my deck last year and I love it. Can I use it on the house without cleaning the cedar? In the past I have always restained over the existing stain. I have always used semi-transparent oil based stain.
You have to remove the current stain when switching brands.
Sanded and brightened/cleaned, then applied TWP prairie gray to my deck late last summer which turned out great. I have some extra from my 5 gallon bucket, was thinking I could add another coat this spring. Is this a possibility? Would I just do a cleaning solution, let it dry, then add another coat on top? Or would I have to start over completely with stripping and reapplying? Thanks in advance! – Nick in Minnesota
Just clean and then recoat.
I have 10×40′ deck Pressure Treated wood built last fall and am wondering if I need to wait a year to stain the deck? Also, how many gal will I need for 10×40? I do understand I will need to powerwashj, brighten then stain. For color I’m looking at Honeytone. Do you have this color for 5 gal?
See here about new wood:
The manufacturer of my pavilion said they use 1-1 ratio of pecan and rustic oak. Is there a way to order that or do I need to order the same amount of both and mix it myself? Thanks.
You would have to mix it yourself as we do not custom mix.